Friday, December 12, 2008

Beyond any religion, race or ethnic group...

Contributed by - Shreyas Wagle

We are jolted again by the horrific news of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. No religion or nation regardless of race and ethnicity, could ever condone the mass murder of the innocents without forever condemning their souls to darkness.My heart goes out to the people who lost their lives and to untold others who have been left behind to pick up the pieces of tragedy.

As a global community we need to be careful in pointing the blame against anMuslims in Mumbai protest against terrorismImage by Bird Eye via Flickry religion, race or ethnic group.

Fanning the flames of hatred at a sensitive time like this is not only foolish but would prove to be potentially catastrophic. It is important that the media discriminates between peace loving Muslims and terrorists who only bow to the gods of hatred, bigotry and fanaticism.

I hope that the UN Secretary Council would take proper action against terrorism and will hopefully win it.

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