Wednesday, September 5, 2018

My views on Plastic ban

Soham Nadkarni - XA
I was walking on a street in the scorching summer of May in peak afternoon sunlight  in the 90's. I was parched. The extreme heat of the afternoon made all the shopkeepers close their shops and go home for a siesta. I was desperate to find a bottle of Coca cola. Finally I found one. I went in and bought a bottle for 60 rupees. I was about to drink it but suddenly the bottle fell down and the glass broke! I had lost my money.
In order to avoid such silly losses, man has invented a better, easy and affordable alternative ‘Plastic’. When it was invented, it was like the best invention till date. Paper bags are expensive because they are made from the bark of trees. Glass is fragile as it is vulnerable to damage.
Plastic spread like a wild fire amongst various industries especially packaging. From big shopping malls to small grocery stores, it began to be used everywhere.
However, plastic is a double edged sword. It is non-degradable. Polythene, a type of plastic cannot be recycled. It cannot be burned as it releases toxic gases. It blocks the drainage system which causes floods. Animals have started consuming plastic along their food. The beaches are strewn with litter.
On considering all of the above disadvantages, Maharashtra government has taken a new initiative to ban plastic. The city of Mumbai experienced floods twice in the last two decades. Once in 2005 and another in 2017.  Cases of water-logging have become a constant feature.
Maharashtra government decided to  ban plastic bags. The decision was taken on the occasion of GudiPadva on 18th March 2018. It prohibits shopkeepers from giving the customers bags made from plastic. However, the ban had not been stricted implemented due to the inconvenience it would cause to the people. The ban was brought into effect on 23rd June, 2018.  It was declared that any individual found carrying plastic bags would be charged a fine of 5000 rupees. Until the government finds an alternative, plastic would be allowed in the packaging  industry. 
The government is aware about the problems faced by the people but at the same time realizes that stringent measure have to be taken to protect our environment.  We should ban the items such as thermocol and plastic that are proving to be hazardous our environment.
Thus,  I feel the decision taken by the government to ban plastic is necessary.