Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Patriotism, what is patriotism ?
Is it to cry praises of the country ?
Or is it to die for the Motherland ?
Does it mean passively following our leaders,
like a herd of sheep ? Or does it mean
rising up, pushing everyone, everything down deep

No, patriotism means to be
committed to the country where
we grew, to fight against corrupt
leaders, if they tryto limit
our freedoms, our futures,our passion,
to serve our country the best we could do.

To be a patriot does not
mean you have to be a soldier,
It does not mean you have
to be a Prime Minster. It
means you have to be devoted,
to strive hard and to be committed,
to make your country the
best, the number 1 !
To work hard, to make your
country the best for everyone.

      Nachiket Ghalsasi -VIII / A

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