I represent the youth…
You are my past, I am your future,
You have taught me how to stand on your shoulder
And look ahead…
Now I have to stand on my feet.
I have learnt so many things from you,
I have learnt to study, to appear for exams,
To score good marks and to make you feel proud…
To observe good manners in society etc…
However there are so many things I still have to learn…
I don’t know how to differentiate between
A true friend and an imposter,
I don’t understand what true love is...
Whether it exists or not...
I don’t know how to apply,
Whatever I read in books.
Whether all I read is applicable…
And so many other things.
I have yet to understand my purpose in life,
Let me discover it on my own.
I am embarking on my own journey, in my own ship.
I need to be in touch with you please be available.
You will have to bear with me…
You will find it difficult to accept my restlessness and discontent.
No, please don’t try to be too understanding…
I don’t want you to emulate my language…
Please stop collecting thorns…
Please don’t hurry to analyze facts …
I don’t need ready-made solutions…
There are three things I don’t like…
If you violate my privacy…
If you preach what you don’t practice…
If you talk in chapters…
And please one more request,
Don’t futurize, be here and now.
Just be like a harbour, don’t do anything…
Whenever I return to you in my ship,
Please welcome me with your open arms.
I know in my heart of hearts that you love me,
I love you too…even if I don’t show it.
-Rhea Purav